Author Archives: Anna Imagination

The Cave Day #4

There is that time in some author’s lives where they just… don’t know what to write. They are in between projects and they still have to write. I feel myself changing with every decision I make. I’m at the point where I’m about to sign off on Love for the rest of my life, and […]

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Normalizing After

I want to cry. I expected this. I just want to fall down and cry. I know I am going through this alone and that when others join me here, they will not be alone. They will be greeted with Community and Love. I feel such relief. Joy. Happiness. I am drinking some weed tea […]

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When “The Sides” Come Down

This is a Story… I have been wanting to tell. Over and over again outside of Time, there was the day when the Sides came down. It was the day when, as I stepped into the Center of Zero where the Beginning begins and the End ends, the Material Plane and the Abstract Plane integrated. […]

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