Category Archives: Blog Novels

When “The Sides” Come Down

This is a Story… I have been wanting to tell. Over and over again outside of Time, there was the day when the Sides came down. It was the day when, as I stepped into the Center of Zero where the Beginning begins and the End ends, the Material Plane and the Abstract Plane integrated. […]

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Zombies From Space…and Vampires Part #13

The darkness broke the haze of sleep cleared as Aria woke. She breathed deep the air, recognizing the sweet warmth of rose scented candles. She stretched and opened her eyes to the soft orange of candle light. Her ribs felt tight and compact like a giant vice had been slipped around her waist, back, and […]

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Zombies From Space…and Vampires Part #12

“Adam! We can’t keep going into the river! The current is too strong?” “Not long, just a ways…” Adam replied. As the crew jumped into the water, the Weeches reached the banks. “Deeper,” Adam said. “Deeper…” The current pushed as they walked further into the river. It reached their waists. “A little more,” Adam said. […]

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Zombies From Space…and Vampires Part #11

“Where are they going?” Norry asked. “Where indeed,” Angela said staring at the horde turning South. “What are we going to do?” Aria asked. “There’s no way we can get around this.” “It looks like a tomato,” Mad Matt said in a low voice. All eyes turned to Matt. He looked sane now more than […]

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Zombies From Space…and Vampires Part #10

“Without weapons we need to lay low.”   The Captain’s orders echoed through Aria’s head as, one by one, the crew piled out of the boat onto land.   “Any sound will draw the Weeches. Any movement will draw in Caius. We have little options and high priorities.”    Balancing on Cin’s firm grip, Aria […]

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Zombies From Space…and Vampires Part #9

“Not at sea, nor at bay will I sleep again,” Matt howled as he ran up the stairs, plowing ahead with his head down and the bag tucked under his arm. Another bang followed by a shower of debris shielded Matt from view as he slipped behind the Captain’s quarters, taking up a random wrench […]

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With You (Dark Romance)

  The Letters are a short story series that appears in a collection of Anthologies. It is a paranormal/Gothic romance that evolves into an urban fantasy.   “I remember,” you say again. “I remember everything.” You’ll find Part One in Amor Vincit Omnia Part Three “With You” is due out Winter 2016 Currently Writing…   […]

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I have no idea what this is…

An email I just got from my girlfriend… Me waving frantically:: my friend! Hello. How are you? Angela B Chrysler is standing barefoot in her garden, spots me, and waves back with equal vigor:  Hello!  I am good.  Would you like to step into my garden for coffee and cookies? Me: absolutely. Let me grab […]

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Zombies From Space…and Vampires Part #8

“The darkness… the madness… madness.” Aria studied the nearly naked man sprawled out on the lounger as he muttered endlessly in a thick English accent. He clutched the blanket to his chest as the Professor moved a stethoscope over the man’s chest. “His eyes look like they’re going to bulge right out of their sockets,” […]

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Evolution stops for no god. While Man Kind goes on to rule the world, animals proceed to evolve as they have always done. The year is 2615, and, at long last, animals are able to match the human species in their thinking. But not all humans accept this change. Most appeal it. Desperate to hang […]

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