As It Begins, So It Ends

The magic of words never ceases to amaze me. Like bits of thread they extend to one, a dozen, an infinite time and time again, drawing Souls in and making the connection, and then the transfer of information from one to the next for all infinity… like a working Economy of its own. Words defy odds, cross time, and are immortal if the medium can hold out.
So… if I may… *Invites you to sit with me at a table within a cozy coffee lounge before a crackling fire. Two coffees (or tea? What do you prefer?) materializes on the table and I take up my coffee and sit back into the red leather chair across from yours.*
Once upon a time, I felt the insatiable need to devour a new mind. What is your story? What is your Point of Origin? Where are you going and how did you come by this road at this time just as I too came to be here? Those questions always felt shallow and empty to me… like…, “Why am I asking these questions when I mean to ask something else entirely… but what is it I’m really trying to say?”
Recently, I’ve come to savor the exploration and discovery of another’s Soul Journey. Like a present, I savor each tearing of the paper and removal of layers to see just what Identity sits deep inside of you. Until recently, I didn’t even know what I was looking for. I just knew I needed to find “it.”
*Takes a sip of my coffee.*
What I love most about the coming together of two minds is the Mirrored exchange, for they too seek to undress my Soul. But Souls have depth. And Souls are Deep. And few know of the infinite layers between the Material Plane and how deep one Soul has ventured. I have no tolerance or patience for “niceties.” I have long since left The World of Man. I live night and day within The Abstract. I prefer the blunt, beautiful truth of what it is we are really doing here. What I prefer is your Authenticity.
I am seeking Your Energy Name. And I wish to know if My Energy knew Yours Once.
The real question to be asked is not “What do you do?” “Where are you going?” “Where were you born?” But rather, “Are you my Kin who I am only now remembering that I belong to as I extend deeper into the depths of Consciousness? Are you someone who is meant for me on the Journey I am on? And are we going to the same place? Are we meant to go there together? But most importantly, did our Souls know each other once?”
Hello. I am Anna. And I am like nothing you have ever seen before. I live at the 2nd of They within the Vortex. My story is ugly, horrific, beautiful, and long and is not to be devoured in a gluttonous frenzy. All in good time or, as I like to say, all will be revealed within the right perspective.

About the Author: Anna Imagination

Biographical Info... What you seek is my Story. Every Soul is a "Blurb" as one would read on the back of the book. But can people be "unwrapped" so easily? Most importantly, why try? I have long since learned to preserve the Savory that comes with Discovery. Learning of another Soul is a Journey. It is an Exploration. And it does not do the Soul Justice to try and condense a Soul Journey into a Bio.