From the Point of Present
So I woke up the next day.
I felt like shit.
Like a brick had broke my brain.
10:00 AM.
“I will puzzle this out in the morning.”
Only you didn’t.
“Nope, nope. I didn’t.”
“Write the story.”
I sat down at the computer. Both at Present and later at Future. How this Newsletter is The Story of Imagination from the Future. And the Podcast is The Story of Imagination from the Present…
And how they are both writing toward each other… If only I would sit down and write it. So here I am.
“So… he doesn’t remember you,” The God Imp King said.
“No,” I said. “He doesn’t.”
“And you’ll —”
“Sh. Sh. Sh,” I said. “Maybe the Marriage Proposal is meant for you?”
“You’ve got to choose which side you are playing this at?”
“Reverse the Roles,” I said. “That will fix everything. That will balance… This is why there cannot be One God. There is no Balance with One. You need… THREE.”
One and Two. To Triangulate the Position…
“I found the first Compass,” I said. “Love, Imagination, Laughter and The All of I.”
“In the beginning there was Nothing.
And from Nothing came Love. And from Love came Imagination and then Laughter.
And from those three, there was Everything.
Someone wiped Imagination from the Story.
And then the Laughter died.
And then Love was Lost.
And the Truth, forgotten.
But, if it were not for the Love of an Imp King for his Goddess Queen, she would never have woven the ending, “At at the point of least remembering, she would only then remember, and she would turn around and come back to the Imp King who would then, just like she, remember. And They All Lived Happily Ever After Forever and Always.”
To which he did reply, “As you wish.”
Only, this time, from the corrected side of the Story.