My Music

“Hope” by Apocalyptica

Music has done so much to influence my life. Before I was an intellect, before I studied or loved or had lived, there was music.

All of my adolescence was dedicated to music and my study to be a composer. I adored the music of James Horner and wanted to pursue a life of music composition more than anything. I studied theory and composed so much within those ten years.

Since the 1950’s there has been a rift among music lovers. Since Elvis Presley first shook his hips, parents and music lovers have supported only one of two genres: Classical or Rock and Roll. My “teacher” sided with Classical music. My brother sided with Rock. I stubbornly committed to classical and studied all music composition from the beginning of time, early instruments, counterpart and Gregorian Chant, through the Renaissance, early folk, ballad, and minstrel songs, Baroque, Classical with Mozart then on to Beethoven who bridged the Classical and Romantic era. On to operas, which I adore and into the 20th century with Wagner, Gershwin, and Stravinsky.

And, like every dedicated classical music lover before me, I stopped at Schoenberg during the 1950’s and directed my studies to Broadway instead.

When Michael Jackson died, I had no idea who he was. I am not kidding. I looked at my co-workers and asked, “Who is Michael Jackson?” That was a wake up call for me. I opened my mind and decided to embrace the music of modern musicians. Despite all my music education, I found myself horribly ignorant of rock classics like The Beatles, Metallica, Rolling Stones, Michael Jackson, and Led Zeppelin. The moment a person decides to be biased, the lock themselves into close mindedness and ignorance. I thought, “How awesome would it be if I also studied rock music?”

The moment a person decides to be biased, the lock themselves into close mindedness and ignorance.

I resumed my studies where I left off. 1950’s Elvis Presley. I studied music from the 1950’s, the 1960’s, the 70’s and am currently working on the 80’s. I learned that Michael Jackson combined the styles of Bob Fosse and Gene Kelly and made them his own. It was quite extraordinary to see two of my favorite dancers emerge from the feet of one man.

Michael Jackson combined the styles of Bob Fosse and Gene Kelly and made them his own.

With the help of friends and my husband, I jumped the gun to modern bands and found the music of Two Steps From Hell, Serj Tankian, System of a Down, Apocalyptica, and Rammstein. My iPod now mixes Puccini’s La Boheme with Rammstein’s Ohne Diche, back to Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata, and on to Empty Walls by Serj Tankian. I adore Metallica’s Black Album, but am not a fan of their other work. I am curious to hear compositions from their more recent albums. I heard they were changing their sound again.

I still don’t know who AC/DC and Prince are, but I’ll get there.

Music went on to be a big part of my writing. Music by Enya and Two Steps From Hell did so much to help me envisions the scenes in my head. Throughout my website, I have implemented music that went on to inspire my writing. I randomly insert a song I was listening to when I wrote a particular article.

Yes, you are on the website of an author, a fantasy author, but you are also on the website of a very passionate music lover. I do so hope you enjoy this side of me.




About the Author: Anna Imagination

Biographical Info... What you seek is my Story. Every Soul is a "Blurb" as one would read on the back of the book. But can people be "unwrapped" so easily? Most importantly, why try? I have long since learned to preserve the Savory that comes with Discovery. Learning of another Soul is a Journey. It is an Exploration. And it does not do the Soul Justice to try and condense a Soul Journey into a Bio.