Dolor and Shadow in Paperback

I just uploaded Dolor and Shadow to CreateSpace, which will be providing the paperback! It is 1 June 2015. I have no idea how long this will take, but I am recording every step of the process here and on Brain to Books!

Dolor and Shadow in Paperback.

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I have uploaded the information and am waiting for the Proof to arrive. “The Proof” is publishing talk for the first physical paperback copy of the book. The purpose of the Proof is to go through the book looking for errors that need correcting. I have no idea how long it will take CreateSpace to get the Proof to me.

In the meantime, I ordered samples of their cover in matte and gloss finish so I can compare. I will let you know once I receive the Proof!


About the Author: Anna Imagination

Biographical Info... What you seek is my Story. Every Soul is a "Blurb" as one would read on the back of the book. But can people be "unwrapped" so easily? Most importantly, why try? I have long since learned to preserve the Savory that comes with Discovery. Learning of another Soul is a Journey. It is an Exploration. And it does not do the Soul Justice to try and condense a Soul Journey into a Bio.