Beginning Book Three…

So…I’m blogging this Autumn afternoon because I am having a hard time pulling away from the Social Media to submerge myself into Bergen’s world.  What’s worse, is I know what awaits Bergen…and I don’t want to go there.  But I must…

Another part of me wonders if I can redo what I just did.  But I must…I need to relax and ease back into Kallan’s world to find Bergen…

Here’s what I wrote today:

Bergen clutched the handle of his mug. The foam on the drink had settled, leaving behind the red tinted black of the spirit. Paying no mind to his mead, the bar wench, or the room, Bergen sat in the corner of the Mute Minstrel, his gaze fixed on the egg in his hand.

Five hundred years later and the egg still carried no blemishes or marks. The sheen of the deep reds and glistening blacks were as slick as they had been centuries ago. Bergen turned the egg over until the golden dot of a snake’s eye stared back up at him. He couldn’t feel the cold of the mug’s handle or hear the sudden bout of laughter that carried over the bar room.

When a foolish drunk fell back onto a table that shattered under his weight, the crowd broke into a chorus of cheers and laughter, but Bergen said not a word.

            Zabbai, he thought. The egg…Swann…Dagny.

Too many memories, too many faces were fading back too quickly as he turned the egg over once more and remembered: the cold metal chains on his wrists, the eyes, her round black eyes staring at him through the dark, the cold clang of a metal door, then no light — Never any light, only darkness. On the stone, he huddled without the room to stretch out. Even the clothes on his back seemed to suffocate him in that small, abysmal hole. A faint light and a pair of black eyes and then, her hand pushed through the bars.  And the egg.

The egg…here in Ra-Kedet of all places. Bergen gripped his mug tighter as he rolled the egg over in his palm. If it would show up anywhere, it would be in Râ-Kedet.

 …Yep!  That’s first draft of the Poet’s Prose!  In three months (2 January 2015) I’ll look back on this and groan, “I can’t believe I posted a first draft.”  But!  Today (02 November 2014) its awesome!

* * *

So…It’s 24 April 2015 and I just saw this. Hm…yep…Okay.

Eh. Not bad…I guess. I’d like to make some changes…


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About the Author: Anna Imagination

Biographical Info... What you seek is my Story. Every Soul is a "Blurb" as one would read on the back of the book. But can people be "unwrapped" so easily? Most importantly, why try? I have long since learned to preserve the Savory that comes with Discovery. Learning of another Soul is a Journey. It is an Exploration. And it does not do the Soul Justice to try and condense a Soul Journey into a Bio.