2016 Book Blast Gene Jordan

Brain to Books2016 Summer Book Blast(1)

Brain to Books Presents Gene Jordan

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Title: An Old Man and a Girl: A Modern Day Lewis and Clark Adventure

An Old Man and A GirlA story about a Grandfather and Granddaughter adventure following the Lewis and Clark Trail across the United States. The two make new friends along the way, have many adventures, learn about history especially Sacagawea’s blue beads, and face challenges together all while Zack, the old man, is trying to convince his Granddaughter, Molly, to go back to school. Unfortunately, their trip doesn’t turn out exactly as they had hoped. A dark figure is always following the old man, there are dangerous animal attacks, dangerous people, and a few run ins with the law. Will Molly ever go back to school? Will Zack feel purpose in life again? Who is the dark figure? Read An Old Man and Girl: A Modern Day Lewis and Clark Adventure to find out.

About the Author

Writer, Gene Jordan, has lived all his 77 years in Butler and Mercer Counties with a one year exception (1963-64) when he served as a Fulbright Scholar teaching in Argentina. His experiences, 20 years a teacher, 30 years a businessman, and 70 years a traveler in covering the majority of the United States and Canadian Providences plus visiting Mexico, Spain, France and England has given him a rich lore of life from which he bases his short stories and novels. Being armed with a vivid imagination helps his writings. His stories are not autobiographical but fact and fiction are inextricably mixed in his own style of writing. This is especially apparent in his novel, An Old Man and a Girl: A Modern Day Lewis and Clark Adventure. Gene envisions stories told before the written word. Stories told beside campfires, passed on and enhanced. He tries to not direct the reader, but wants readers to enjoy the tale and find experiences related to in their own lives.

Gene has been published in outdoor magazines, worked in newspapers, and school papers. “Bowhunter’s Luck” was published in the “Elk Country and the Hunt Bugle” in July/August 2007 edition. “Historic Bull” was printed in the “Bowhunter” December 2002 edition.

Gene Jordan loves to tell stories, even walking in the footsteps of his characters. He has a lifelong love of archery and has hosted archery events in the past. He is a life member of PSEA, NRA, and a senior member of the Pope and Young Club, a yearly member of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, and a volunteer at the Greenville Railroad Museum. Gene has been and continues to be a big fan of writers like Ernest Hemingway, John Steinbeck, William Faulkner, Jack London, Cormac McCarthy, Willa Cather, and many others from 1850 to present day who have shaped their stories in new inventive forms, refusing to follow rigid rules…just stories to interest listeners, and readers.

Connect with Gene Jordan


About the Author: Anna Imagination

Biographical Info... What you seek is my Story. Every Soul is a "Blurb" as one would read on the back of the book. But can people be "unwrapped" so easily? Most importantly, why try? I have long since learned to preserve the Savory that comes with Discovery. Learning of another Soul is a Journey. It is an Exploration. And it does not do the Soul Justice to try and condense a Soul Journey into a Bio.