The Bard’s Oracle : A Note From The Author

Hello, dear reader.

It has been a long time. Bergen and I go way back. In all my madness, Bergen was born as the personification of my Defense System. He was formed into a character for my book, and he developed a sentient will of his own. Soon after, we were arguing like two secret crushes who just needed to fuck.

But he was my creation, and I was his author. Battle for Blog enfolded and, for quite a while… I understand it now. I would find my Blog “Exploratory Dialogues” frequently changed to “Bergen’s Blog.” I would curse him and change it back, completely unaware that Bergen, at some point, was an Alter of mine who flirted with… well… me.

Bergen was all of these things. He was an Alter. My Defense System personified. My Fictional Character. My Muse. And me. He was my comfort, my strength, my mystery. He showed up in every book. Every BOOK. He probably always will. I still have his trilogy pending in my mind.

Bergen : Blind

Bergen : Bound

Bergen : Broken

I never wrote them. It always pissed him off. He found his way into the Abstract Play Space of The Fae where I spent nearly two years with My Pet.

And now, at the end of all things, after Integration of my Alters in April 2023, I have heard nothing from him ever since. He exists now only within the Authorial space in my mind.

I have one last mission before me.

My healing journey pushed me beyond the Physical World and well into the realm of Authenticity. There, Identity, Perspective, and Imagination come together to give birth to my God-Self. My Identity is solid. My Perspective is Pure. But my Imagination… was damaged during the Healing.

It was at this time that I turned to Dungeons & Dragons and the world of writing while I opened the gates to my City. Authenticity City. I have a world to create within the Abstract. Imagination is key.

But more than that… Through the application of my Imagination, I will revive and bring together and strengthen all the parts of me. All of my names. And to do this, I must Imagine. I must play. I must encompass the embodiment of my God Self, my human self, and my Power. Imagination, Kallan, and Fand. They are all me. Past or Human. Present or Conscious Awareness. Future or The God Self when the full extent of my Power is returned to me.

To do this, I must become Imagination itself and revive all of me through all my stories.

I am nearing the end of this, and you, dear reader, just walked into my mind.

If you wish to start at the beginning, read Dolor and Shadow. And then Fire and Lies. And then Broken. That is when my mind broke (2015). From there, go on to Zombies from Space… and Vampires. And then… read through my blog, “Bergen’s Blog.” I went on hiatus for three years (2020 to 2023) as I went on Walkabout and continued my Healing Journey. And then The Healing Garden’s Exploratory Dialogues blog. My Podcast is the next stone in my path. And then, at long last, The Bard’s Oracle. That is where you come in.

To you, this may be just a deep Fantasy novel.

But for me, it was the path I took on the road from Insanity, enslavement, and Madness to… well… I’ll let you decide what I am when you finish.

The Bard’s Oracle is a Blog Novel, interspersed in part with Live Dungeons & Dragons scenes where I play out certain chapters with my Players. During the week, in between Game Play, Fand’s Journey plays out as she unlocks the next stage of her Memory. My memory. And then, to unlock the Memory and revive Imagination, she steps into Game Play.

During the week, I build Authenticity City. I present my story to the world on stage. I assume the life of Bard, Actress, Philosopher… well… you know, the list goes on.

For you, this is a mere Fantasy.

But for me, it is my Masterpiece, my Thesis, and my Dissertation on the role Imagination plays in Mental Health and how the Abstract World, very much exists alongside the Physical World. My research is recorded in Shifting Perspectives (podcast) as well as The Healing Garden’s blog, Exploratory Dialogue. Here, in UnderEarth, the Fantasy and Imagination plays out.

For you, this is play.

For me, I am on a mission to prove to the world the Validation, Importance, and key component to our survival, evolution and healing and how it resides within the Power of Imagination and the World of Abstract.

Subscribe to my Newsletters. Become a Member of Authenticity City. Allow my Imagination to entertain you. Connect with me or play with me. I love being played with. Enter Anna’s Elite and Journey Into the Self or join me for Sunshine Imagination Adventures and step into my world with me. I will show you all I see.

About the Author: Anna Imagination

Biographical Info... What you seek is my Story. Every Soul is a "Blurb" as one would read on the back of the book. But can people be "unwrapped" so easily? Most importantly, why try? I have long since learned to preserve the Savory that comes with Discovery. Learning of another Soul is a Journey. It is an Exploration. And it does not do the Soul Justice to try and condense a Soul Journey into a Bio.