Paving Kallan’s Journey

The moment a reader becomes a writer, they find themselves with a list of instructions.

A Scribophile member had asked in the forums what writing system everyone used for their book.  Although this process is very subjective, I posted my response below.  It was received so well, that I decided to post it here.

After conceiving an idea…

1 – Compose a character list and develop their background, psychology, and relationships with each other.  Assign Inner Motives and psychology issues.

2 – Develop a location, setting, time period, research the hell out of that era and geography.  Assign a date, a moon cycle, and a season.  Determine holidays and cultures.

3 – Develop and outline the history of the world that leads up to the period where my characters exist.

4 – Draw up an outline and series of events that tie in the characters to each other and the setting.

5 – Add current events that fill out and shape the world, time period, and news of the day that will be affecting my characters.

6 – Break down the events into scenes and divide those scenes into chapters anywhere from 1 to 3 scenes per chapter

7 – Write!

8 – Edit for characterization

9 – Edit for historical consistency

10 – Edit for grammar, spelling, punctuation,

11 – Edit for foreign word spelling and definition consistency

12 – Begin outlining next book

13 – Edit current project for foreshadowing in following books.

14 – Edit for clarity, edit for flow, edit for prose

15 – Insert more scenes were needed to fill out or flesh out characters and setting

16 – Edit for Pacing, adding and deleting scenes where needed

17 – Edit for pacing, prolonging and shortening scenes where needed.

18 – Hand to beta readers and review critiques

19 – Read through and correct then rinse and repeat step 19 until no more errors are located.

20 – Post on and weigh the feedback received from members.

About the Author: Anna Imagination

Biographical Info... What you seek is my Story. Every Soul is a "Blurb" as one would read on the back of the book. But can people be "unwrapped" so easily? Most importantly, why try? I have long since learned to preserve the Savory that comes with Discovery. Learning of another Soul is a Journey. It is an Exploration. And it does not do the Soul Justice to try and condense a Soul Journey into a Bio.