Looking Back Blog Hop 2015

2015Looking Back Blog Hop(1)2015: A Year In Review Blog Hop

Now that my Christmas is over, and I am thinking about New Years and this past year, I’ve started building a project I wish to share with all of you.

2015 introduced me to some phenomenal people and wonderful books! Over the last few days of this year, I will be taking a moment to introduce you to each of these persons in turn. As things are, I must start with everyone on board the Slush Brain.

What is the H.M.S. Slush Brain. Well? LOL The H.M.S. Slush Brain, in short, is a writer’s group I put together early this year. February. The people selected for this group are quite… eccentric, and sometimes drunk. Some of us anyway… and some of us more than most. One day, after researching, editing, and revising for days on end, my brain had formed into a mass of slush. Hence the term, “Slush Brain.” I often had slush brain back then when I would spend each morning with this group of writers on Twitter. Some days we sent a simple “wave.” While other days, mostly Thursdays or Fridays, we launched into deep conversations. Back then there were easily eight of us? Sometimes upward of twelve. To consolidate this entourage of tweets, I formed a group Twitter message and named it the HMS Slush Brain. Some of our conversations were wonderful enough to publish. And I have. Type HMS Slush Brain to the “search” and you’ll see this nerd driven, Daryl Dixon loving, HMS SlushBrainbooze guzzling group of misfits. Did I mention we’re all writers. Most of us are fantasy and science fiction writers. Oh, yeah! So here, between now and the first of January, I will present the members of my HMS Slush Brain with an excerpt of their books!

H.M.S Slush Brain

C.L. Schneider

C. L. Schneider was born in a small Kansas town on the Missouri River.  Growing up in a family of readers, all with diverse interests, she developed an early and avid love for the written word. Her fascination with science fiction stories and anything supernatural, as well as a keen interest in the Middle Ages, drew her to fantasy. At the age of sixteen, she wrote her first, full-length novel on a typewriter in her parent’s living room.

Stanislava D. Kohut

Adam Dreece

Indie author Adam Dreece created the bestselling Steampunk series The Yellow Hoods — which has become a hit with kids from 9-15 as well as with adult readers. After a solid, 20-year career as a software designer and overcoming a serious illness, he started his company – ADZO Publishing – with his wife in 2014. In short order, he released the first two novels in his acclaimed The Yellow Hoods series — Along Came a Wolf and Breadcrumb Trail – within that first year.

Stan Sudan

It’s taken thirty-odd years of writing to produce all the novels in his epic fantasy series, Dancers of Light and Darkness. Thanks to the upstart world of indie press, Stan has finally decided to begin publishing them. The series he is currently working on opens with Sisters of Light, the first book in the starting trilogy, which spans several decades in the lives of the characters that populate the series.

Having been a teacher for more than twenty years, he’s determined to see his obsession with writing evolve to the next level, which is simply to begin publishing the numerous books he has written. He realizes that dangling a toe in the water for so long is a bit extreme, but…life happens. That’s his motto. He stresses about his work and the daily routines that pull him away from his desk–but, never about writing. No one can do that to offspring. And books, he says, as any author can tell you, are like children.

Matt Harrill

Matthew W Harrill lives in the idyllic South-West of England, nestled snugly in a village in the foothills of the Cotswolds. Born in 1976, he attended school in Bristol and received a degree in Geology from Southampton University. By day he plies his trade implementing shareplans for Xerox. By night he spends his time with his wife and four children.

Kylie Jude

Chess DeSalls

Chess Desalls is the author of the YA time travel series, The Call to Search Everywhen. She’s a longtime reader of fantasy and sci-fi novels, particularly classics and young adult fiction. Her non-fiction writing has led to academic and industry publications. She’s also a contributing editor for her local writing club’s monthly newsletter. The California Writers Club, South Bay branch, has awarded two of Chess’ stories first place for best short fiction. When she’s not reading or writing, she enjoys traveling and trying to stay in tune on her flute.

M.S.L. Weech

M. L. S. Weech was born in August 1979 in Rapid City, South Dakota. He fell in love with fantasy and science fiction at an early age. His love of writing quickly followed when he tried to write a sequel to his favorite movie. He didn’t know what copyright infringement was. He can’t remember a time he wasn’t working on some sort of project from that day on. He wrote for a junior high project. The only way his freshman english teacher could get him to settle down was to let him start writing a book. He completed what he calls his first manuscript when he was 17. He got a ton of feedback that was honest, helpful, and not much fun to listen to, but instead of quit, he simply wrote another, and then another.

You can view more Slush Brain zaniness here!

Yep! That’s my clan! My internet family!

Additional honorable mentions…

Aurelia Maria Casey

Tiffany Apan: Author of Dark/Gothic Fantasy

Jay and Dawn Norry

Ed Ireland

Joshua Robertson

Lu J. Whitley

BR Kingsolver: Author of Paranormal Romance and Sci-Fi… coming soon!

Mia Darien

J. Edward Ritchie: Epic Fantasy Author

Ashley Capes


The authors of this blog hop, though carefully selected, were given no warning of the event. Partly as a surprise to them *SURPRISE*. Partly as my Solstice gift. But mostly because I tend to throw things together last minute as the ideas come to me. heheheee… For this reason, some authors were unable to attend.




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About the Author: Anna Imagination

Biographical Info... What you seek is my Story. Every Soul is a "Blurb" as one would read on the back of the book. But can people be "unwrapped" so easily? Most importantly, why try? I have long since learned to preserve the Savory that comes with Discovery. Learning of another Soul is a Journey. It is an Exploration. And it does not do the Soul Justice to try and condense a Soul Journey into a Bio.