2016 Book Blast Dave Riese

Brain to Books2016 Summer Book Blast(1)

Brain to Books Presents Dave Riese

  • Genre: Literary Fiction (Romance)
  • 2016 Next Generation Indie Book Award
    • Winner in the General Fiction/Novel category
    • Second Place Grand Prize for all fiction books

Book Front CoverMontreal, 1951. Rebecca Wiseman, 18-years-old, briefly meets a handsome young man, but has little hope of seeing him again. When Sol Gottesman tracks her down and asks her on a date, her joy mingles with disbelief when she learns he is the son of a wealthy businessman.

When Sol takes her in a chauffeured Rolls-Royce to the most expensive restaurant in the city, Rebecca enters a world of upper-class wealth and privilege unknown in her working-class family. She believes her romantic dreams have come true.

She soon learns that despite Sol’s outward charm, he lacks self-confidence. He reveals the simmering conflicts in his family, dominated by his mother and older brother. Rebecca wants to protect Sol, but helping him stand up to the pressure from his family, puts her squarely in the midst of it all.

Class, religion, family conflict and sexual secrets test their love. And then a late night telephone call changes her life forever. View the Book Trailer. Order the book.

Author Bio

Dave Riese, a social history buff of the 20th century, collects the memories of relatives and friends. Their experiences inspire him to write about the unexpected events in daily life.

Dave Riese -smallerAfter graduating from Bates College in Maine, Dave enlisted in the Air Force for four years, one step ahead of his draft board’s invitation to join the army in Vietnam. He attended Boston University on the GI Bill for a Master’s degree in Broadcast Journalism. The following summer he was hired by the University of New Hampshire to script and film videotapes about government social programs for the elderly. When the grant money ran out, he started working as a computer programmer, retiring in 2012.

Although writing fiction since high school, Dave was always too preoccupied with college, a full-time job, and married life with two children to concentrate on trying to publish his work. Upon retirement, he sat down to have a long talk with himself. “If you want to publish a book, Mr. Riese, you’d better start doing the heavy lifting.” Since then, he’s followed Nora Roberts’ advice: Ass in chair.

Dave and his wife have travelled throughout the world. When at home in Massachusetts, he relaxes by reading and watching films from the Golden Age of Hollywood. Their daughter lives in Ireland with her husband. Their son and his wife are pediatricians in Rhode Island. They have four grandchildren. Connect with Dave on Twitter or Facebook.

Contact Dave Riese

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Amazon Author Page

Goodreads Author Page


About the Author: Anna Imagination

Biographical Info... What you seek is my Story. Every Soul is a "Blurb" as one would read on the back of the book. But can people be "unwrapped" so easily? Most importantly, why try? I have long since learned to preserve the Savory that comes with Discovery. Learning of another Soul is a Journey. It is an Exploration. And it does not do the Soul Justice to try and condense a Soul Journey into a Bio.