Announcement from Angela

“Move over, Bergen.  I need to post something.”


I just set up a Mailing List today!  Now you can get emails when I have a release date for Tales of the Drui and also, receive my monthly email! On the first of each month, I send out a brief update with my upcoming plans, last month’s news, in case you missed it, and any publishing updates that come in.  You will only get one email a month plus that one email that announces a release date!  Very eager to hear from all of you!  The form is located on the right hand column! 

“Excuse me,” Bergen adds while shoving Angela out of her chair and onto the floor.  “And if any of you are interested in hearing a word or three from me, I would be more than obliged to provide my say.  Now get off my blog, Angela.”

About the Author: Anna Imagination

Biographical Info... What you seek is my Story. Every Soul is a "Blurb" as one would read on the back of the book. But can people be "unwrapped" so easily? Most importantly, why try? I have long since learned to preserve the Savory that comes with Discovery. Learning of another Soul is a Journey. It is an Exploration. And it does not do the Soul Justice to try and condense a Soul Journey into a Bio.