Bergen Interviews His Author

“Hi! I’m Bergen,” says the 6’2’’ Viking Prince with a lax grin. “I am the author’s main character—”
“You are not the main character.” Angela cuts Bergen off and throws a warning glare his way.
Bergen scoffs and rolls his eyes.
“I was supposed to be,” Bergen insists and continues. “To get started on Angela’s Goodreads blog, I’m going to be interviewing the author today” Bergen kicks his feet up on Angela’s desk and lights his pipe. Bergen takes a long draw from the pipe while Angela impatiently sighs beside him. “You see,” Bergen says. “Angela has a really bad habit of ignoring me so this me taking initiative and interviewing her.”Angela arches a brow in Bergen’s direction.“The character is interviewing his author?” Angela summarizes and Bergen grins, delighted at his own idea.
“This should be interesting. Very well,” Angela sighs. “Whenever you’re ready…Bergen.”“Excellent! It’s about time you learn to obey,” Bergen adds and pops the top off Angela’s Guinness. “So…first, I want to thank the reader for taking the slightest of interest in the author—Odinn knows she isn’t worth it—”“Hey!” Angela shouts and Bergen takes a drink from Angela’s beer.“I also want to thank the author for bothering to take ten minutes out of her day to actually talk to me, her prized character.”“Thank you,” Angela snarls. “You’re too kind, Bergen.” “My lord,” Bergen adds.“What?” Angela asks.

“You shall address me as, my lord.”

*Stunned silence*

“Hey. I am a prince,” Bergen says. “I have a right to be addressed accordingly.”


“Very good,” Bergen grins. “Now, let’s correct this format for the interview.

Angela B. Chrysler: *Rolls her eyes*

Bergen: That’s better. Ms. Chrysler. Please take a moment to tell us about your book, Bergen-Bane.

ABC: Well…*gritting her teeth* Bergen-Bane isn’t done yet, Bergen. But Dolor and Shadow is about the last Drui, Queen Kallan and Seidr Wielder, who was hidden from the gods who seek to destroy her. When Kallan’s powers begin to emerge, those who hide her can no longer protect her. Her father is killed and King Rune—her enemy—is framed. A chase ensues and Kallan finds herself lost in Midgard with none other than King Rune and an angry goddess on their tail.

Bergen: How did you come up with the idea for your book? Hey! Your initials are ABC! Did you do that on purpose?

ABC: No. My middle name is Beth. The idea for Dolor and Shadow developed around Kallan—

Bergen: You mean me.

ABC: No. *angry eyes* I mean Kallan. (Insert a picture of my book, Bergen) She was the first idea that came to me. I developed Kallan’s character and then, as I pieced together Kallan’s past, Dolor and Shadow evolved. I built the plot around Kallan’s past.

BOOK COVERBergen: Stories always require some form of research. What kind of research did you do for your book?

ABC: I did more research for Dolor and Shadow than I had ever thought possible. I wanted Midgard to literally be 10th century Norway and I wanted that era and location to be so real to the reader that I researched everything from the 10th century. I researched the cultures, the food, the history leading up to the 10th century. I researched the wars, kings, politics, religions, weapons, metallurgy, and innovations of the era as well as the discoveries made and inventions. I was thrilled when Kallan entered Under Earth and Alfheim when I didn’t have to worry about historical accuracy.

Bergen: Which scene or chapter was the hardest for you to write?

ABC: Oooh! Hardest as in most grueling or hardest as in most challenging?

Bergen: Whichever *Bergen takes a drink of Guinness*

ABC: The hardest emotionally for me to write were the battle scenes. I did not want to glorify war. I did not want to sugar coat it either. I wanted to show the reader exactly what war looked like. I wanted to show them all of it. I wrote what I saw in my head. The battle, the chaos, the confusion, but most…I wanted to show all of it. I wanted to show the aftermath.

In Lord of the Rings, Return of the King, there is the scene when Pippin wanders the battlefield for Merry. He walks the field for hours. This reminded me of the song from the musical 1776, “Momma, Look Sharp.” The song tells of how mothers during the Revolutionary War had to go down to the battlefield after a battle and find their sons if they wanted the bodies back or if they wanted knowledge at all of their son’s deaths.

This is the side of war we don’t see. But there was more to it than that. I love the show M*A*S*H. Truth is, there are two battles that are fought in every battle: The fight for the territory…and the fight for the living.

In Lorlenalin’s Lies, I show the battle, the confusion, I show the losses and the gore. I then show the wounded piled up. I show the cauterizing of wounds by the thousands…and then, when that is all over, I show Kallan wandering the battlefield to find more wounded…because she can’t turn the war off.

A veteran complimented me on my war scenes. He said it took him back. He was okay, but he was impressed at how realistic I had recreated the aftermath. Emotionally, I had to enter these battle fields. I had to see them to write them. When it was done…there were days where I wasn’t okay (Add a picture of the Author, Bergen). 

wp_wpak9hgt2y_20130622_003Bergen: Describe your favorite scene or chapter in your book and tell us why it’s your favorite…but only if I’m in it.

ABC: (Not that picture! The professional one!) *sigh* My favorite scene in Dolor and Shadow, unfortunately does have you in it, Bergen. It is the scene when Rune tries to stop you from riding off to the mountains to recruit the Dvergar for aid. I love this chapter because it is so emotional. The other scene I love is when Kallan visits Rune in her dungeons when she learns of his true identity after ordering his execution. I love it because—

Bergen: Enough about Rune and Kallan…Let’s talk about me. Which of your characters, do you relate to the most?

ABC: *snarling* Kallan. She shares my inability to grieve and cope with the death of a loved one. She has the same Shadow inside of her as I do. She can not accept her own weaknesses any more than I (Fix the pic, Bergen!).

Bergen: More about Kallan? Who is your favorite character?

ABC: *Scowls* You, Bergen.

Bergen: Finally! Why?

ABC: Ugh! I don’t feel like stroking your ego! Next question!

Bergen: (This isn’t over). Every author is a compilation of his/her favorite authors. Which authors have done the most to influence your writing and why?

AngelaABC: Edgar Allan Poe. I adore his writing, his tone, his rhythm. He has music in his words that I envy. My life goal is to write a book in a style similar to Poe’s writing. That is what I tried to do with Dolor and Shadow. I wanted to incorporate music right into the prose.

Bergen: “Story” has always been the center of all human cultures. We need it. We seek it out. We invent it. What does “story” mean to you?

ABC: I believe we have a psychological need for story. We do need story. We seek it out, we invent it, we crave it. I believe story is a way for us to learn and to explore ourselves. The earliest of story were parables and fables that taught us lessons. Before that, we invented myth to explain the world around us. Story taught us. It’s how we learn. I think we all subconsciously associate story with knowledge and we crave it, no matter what medium is used: book, movie, play, anime…it doesn’t matter. We need story.

Bergen: Tells us about your next book. Bergen-Bane.

ABC: My next book is not Bergen-Bane, Bergen. My next book is “Broken.” It is about a woman who revisits her past filled with abuse, rape, and neglect as she descends into her psyche. The reader witnesses the worlds she sees in her head as she toggles the lines of insanity. “Broken” is based on a true story—my story—and is written and ready for my editor. “Broken” releases this summer.

Bergen-Bane is my current work in progress. I hope to have this finished for release this winter.

BoozeBergen: That’s it? That’s all you’re saying about my book!?

ABC: *sigh* Fine! Bergen-Bane is about your time in Ireland.

Bergen: That is not what happened and you know it!

ABC: Do I?

Bergen: I’ve had enough of this! I take on a Fae goddess and steal her sword!

ABC: You are captured by the Fae goddess and she beats you around like a girl. You don’t “take her on.”

Bergen: She threatened me and I defeated her.

ABC: You do not!

Bergen: You know I do! You were there! I have to study the secrets of the Fili—the Ancient bards—before the Fae goddess kills my instructor and then I’m captured and taken prisoner in Under Earth by the psycho Fae goddess!

ABC: If you say so. If you’re interested in buying Dolor and Shadow, it is now available for preorder at Amazon for Kindle and Smashwords for the Nook, MOBI, and EPUB.

Bergen: I’ve had enough of this!

ABC: Bergen is all over my site here at and you can read more on him there where we get into a lot of arguments like this one. I’m also on a number of social media platforms including Goodreads, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+.


About the Author: Anna Imagination

Biographical Info... What you seek is my Story. Every Soul is a "Blurb" as one would read on the back of the book. But can people be "unwrapped" so easily? Most importantly, why try? I have long since learned to preserve the Savory that comes with Discovery. Learning of another Soul is a Journey. It is an Exploration. And it does not do the Soul Justice to try and condense a Soul Journey into a Bio.