Broken Art Gallery

I will never grow tired of seeing the work Indigo Forest Designs! Again, phenomenal work!

I give you “Broken”

Broken by Angela B Chrysler 3D largeBroken by Angela B Chrysler 1600x2500

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Release on 11 September 2015.

Broken will be made available on paperback and all major eBook formats.

Broken is a work of creative nonfiction. All events, opinions, and views are my own and are portrayed through subjective perspective based on the memory of Angela B. Chrysler. While all the events are true, I have altered and changed the names, places, characteristics, and relationships to protect the identity and privacy of the people involved. Some characters have been combined into one while others have been divided into two to suit the story.

About the Author: Anna Imagination

Biographical Info... What you seek is my Story. Every Soul is a "Blurb" as one would read on the back of the book. But can people be "unwrapped" so easily? Most importantly, why try? I have long since learned to preserve the Savory that comes with Discovery. Learning of another Soul is a Journey. It is an Exploration. And it does not do the Soul Justice to try and condense a Soul Journey into a Bio.