Social Media News for 6 June 2015

Instagram has taken much of my attention lately. I’ve been uploading a lot of pictures as my gardens come into bloom. My Instagram account has really taken off as my cats and garden page. I love gardening, but let’s face it…most of you are here for the nerd/fantasy side of me and are not really interested in the gardening. So I’ll keep the majority of my gardens and cats to Instagram, which is readily available if you want to take a tour through that side of me 🙂

I announce all new posts and pages on my Facebook page here, which is linked to my Twitter account here. If you are interested in receiving these notices, simply check in to my Facebook page or follow me on Twitter. You can also sign up to receive email updates by subscribing to my mailing list.

I finally have my Goodreads Blog posted. Stop in and have a look. Dolor and Shadow is now available to add to your “to read” shelf if you wish.

I use Pinterest to post a board dedicated to Dolor and Shadow. Have a look here. It contains pictures of characters and research details for Tales of the Drui. You will also find a board about me, Broken, and all upcoming releases.

And my Tumblr account…yeah, I’m working on it. Still no idea what I’m doing with Tumblr.

After posting my thoughts this morning on my blog, I had an idea to create a Google+ Community and a Goodreads Group where I can engage you in conversation about anything and everything you see here (I found that most people are on one platform or the other). Starting today, after posting an article or post, I will post the link to Goodreads and Google+ for discussion.

I also will be holding giveaways, votes, surveys, news, all within a forum where you can engage other members or myself. Both groups will be identical so no need to join both. Stop in and have a look!

About the Author: Anna Imagination

Biographical Info... What you seek is my Story. Every Soul is a "Blurb" as one would read on the back of the book. But can people be "unwrapped" so easily? Most importantly, why try? I have long since learned to preserve the Savory that comes with Discovery. Learning of another Soul is a Journey. It is an Exploration. And it does not do the Soul Justice to try and condense a Soul Journey into a Bio.