Strange Voyages (H.M.S. Slush Brain Voyages)

HMS SlushBrain

I am currently working with the crew of the HMS Slush Brain to build an anthology with the greatest minds of writing I have ever had the pleasure of knowing… and I mean that. As soon as I get the stories in I’ll be building the “HMS SLUSH BRAIN: STRANGE VOYAGES”

When: Short stories due very leniently by December 2016… give or take a few “or whenevers”

Theme: Boats! Or zombies… or vampires… or nerd related anything really… Something about a boat or a voyage somewhere… mental or literal.

Who: Written by…

Angela B. Chrysler

Angela B. Chrysler is captain of this zany crew. She is a multigenre, philosopher, and nerd.

C.L. Schneider

Every captain has their first mate, and mine is Mrs. “Cin” Dixon. This epic fantasy author and creator of Ian Troy is now working on an urban fantasy. Official Site

Adam Dreece

The Steampunk professor of our group. Adam would be our “weapons specialist,” you might say. When he isn’t head deep in worlds of Science Fiction, Steampunk, and Fantasy, he is nose deep in book signings. In story, I like to imagine him bent over a work bench tinkering on gadgets.

Jay Norry (?)

The newest member of our imbroglio, Mr. “Why didn’t I bring him into the ship sooner” Jay Norry! On paper, I imagine a suave intellect who holds a strong command of the written word. In picture, I grin at the sunglass-wearing groovy philosopher. I’m still stunned (and thrilled) that we share a passion for zombies.

M.L.S. Weech

Chess DeSalls

Kylie “Kraken” Jude






About the Author: Anna Imagination

Biographical Info... What you seek is my Story. Every Soul is a "Blurb" as one would read on the back of the book. But can people be "unwrapped" so easily? Most importantly, why try? I have long since learned to preserve the Savory that comes with Discovery. Learning of another Soul is a Journey. It is an Exploration. And it does not do the Soul Justice to try and condense a Soul Journey into a Bio.