2016 Book Blast Marie J. Spinella-Phillips

Brain to Books2016 Summer Book Blast(1)Brain to Books Presents Marie J. Spinella-Phillips

  • Genre: Animals, Pets
  • Title: Khan: A Maine Coon

KhanMCCoverLL Abandoned and left at a local shelter, a Maine Coon kitten awaits an
uncertain fate. During his stay, Khan befriends a wise old tomcat, who
speaks about his experiences of life on the streets, bringing comfort to
the frightened kitten. Four days later, to Khan’s horror, the shelter
workers take his friend away to the Big Sleep, as the tomcat called it,
leaving Khan scared and alone. Just before Khan’s time is up, a man
enters the shelter and adopts Khan, bringing him to a new home. Though
he feels loved, he is also alone, and misses his mother, his litter
mates, and his tomcat friend. He senses great sadness from his new human
momma, understands nothing of it, and thinks it is his fault.

Weeks later, when another young kitten joins the household, Khan
befriends him, and they form a tight bond. With the steadfast support of
his younger playmate, Khan deals with life’s challenges and surprises,
always finding strength in feline friendships, old and new, and in love
from his humans — until a monster from within suddenly strikes him down
in the prime of life.

Down, but not out, Khan struggles against his internal foe, wanting only
to stay beside the humans and cats he adores. He endures endless visits
to the animal doctor, illness, and pain — winning some battles — but
Khan knows his enemy is winning the war. His inner strength and desire
to never leave the ones he loves gives him the courage to fight,
astonishing friend and foe alike.

In his darkest hour, he manages to stay with his loved ones, in a way he
never expects. Even then, his fight is not over, for he has defied the
laws of nature. As life-forces struggle to balance what he has upset, he
briefly loses contact with his loved ones, but returns, triumphant, and
attacks life with gusto, young and strong again, yet not the same cat
everyone knew and loved

About the Author

RiaPicBorn on Long Island, Marie J. Spinella-Phillips was driven by an insatiable love of writing, art, and the sciences since early childhood. Her love of animal tales fueled her desire to write, always manifesting in stories from the non-human point of view. Marie invented her first character at six years old, creating picture books with a tree as the main protagonist. She included, on the inside covers, her own publishing logo, complete with rainbow and shining sun. Official Site


Connect with Marie




About the Author: Anna Imagination

Biographical Info... What you seek is my Story. Every Soul is a "Blurb" as one would read on the back of the book. But can people be "unwrapped" so easily? Most importantly, why try? I have long since learned to preserve the Savory that comes with Discovery. Learning of another Soul is a Journey. It is an Exploration. And it does not do the Soul Justice to try and condense a Soul Journey into a Bio.